Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Family Garden-Part 1

One day the Abdelaziz Family went to the store and bought plants and seeds for their garden.

We named it "The Family Garden."

~Jael Abdelaziz

Friday, May 15, 2009

My Husband Rocks~Friday

This last year has been financially challenging, to say the least, and it still seems to be a struggle. Do I feel blessed? ABSOLUTELY!!! I mean, God is SOOO good. I know that Josh has been under stress to provide for us--a job he takes very seriously. (thanks, Babe)

The reason I bring this up....I am SO ENCOURAGED by the faith and optimism that Josh SPEAKS, when I know inside the stress has been getting to him. He is believing for a new job, which he interviewed for on Tuesday. (more $$) He speaks things into existence, because he has GREAT FAITH.

He called me the other day to ask if anything "good" was in the mail. I had to reply, "No!" BUT I was curious as to WHY he asked. His reason: "I am expecting a miracle!!!" God has provided for us in some many ways in the last year, many of which are miracles. BUT he continues to believe that God is a GOD of MIRACLES, not just ONE TIME....but we are His kids. MANY TIMES over we will continue to receive God's blessings.

I have a few of my own prayers, wishes, and concerns, and I am gaining GREAT faith from the example displayed by my rockin' husband. God is a GIVER of GOOD GIFTS, and I pray Josh receives every one of them.

Thanks for being a man of faith and a speaker of it, too!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Boys and Models

Abishai picked out a couple of models for his birthday; the process took a long time. It was probably more time than Daddy EVER spends in a "craft" store. Abishai just could NOT decide which one he wanted, and they had so many.

Josh helped him put together one of them, which is displayed with pride in his room. He knows it's not a toy, and he has done a great job just admiring his work. He is very good at detail work, and I am wondering if this will turn into a bigger hobby. We will have to get some shelves for all of his projects.

I love watching the boys do "boy" things.

My Husband Rocks~Friday

Josh has decided to start playing softball, in a league. Games are every week, and I have no idea how he will find the energy or time with all of his hard work to play in a game. We got invited to the first game, and it really was enjoyable. I appreciate the time we got to spend watching him have fun. It was something to get us out of the house and be Daddy's cheerleaders.

Thanks, Josh, for including us in your plans. AND great win....your skill in EVERYTHING you do amazes me. You haven't played organized sports in over 15 years, and you did amazing!!! You won your first game; I look forward to seeing you WIN more.

You Rock!

playing catcher


got on second base

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Secret

Ever since I discovered this site, Fantabulously Frugal, I use it to give tips to friends, and I have been checking every day. Watching, making sure I don't miss anything. I would have liked to keep it a secret, but I want to get extra entries in the giveaways!!

Why? Well, since I'm always looking for steals and deals in every conceivable nook and cranny, this place does a LOT of the work for me. It takes all the actual WORK out of that process.

Every day, multiple times a day, they posts freebies, coupons, and great sales that I would have to research to find myself.

Like, how am I supposed to know that Borders gave away a free cup of coffee through May 3rd? Or that they have a 40% off coupon that was good until May 2nd? Or which magazine companies are offering free subscriptions AT THAT TIME?

Recently, you got a FREE lip product with any purchase at Bath and Body Works. I may not have gotten around to using the gazillion different promotions, but it IS too hard with SOOO many choices.

Plus, somehow they magically know EVERY special promotion and sale that could possibly be going on - like RIGHT OLD NAVY!! My favorite - tons and tons of coupon codes and inside info.

To add even more, Fantabulously Frugal is having a 31 days of Giveaways promotion ALL MONTH! Every day there's a NEW giveaway--today is a CUPCAKE theme package. (SO CUTE!!)