Saturday, January 31, 2009

Round Three

I have been wanting to make cinnamon rolls, but I know what I want them to turn out like. AND it's just not happening!!!! I have a "mix" from the fair, but I don't want to use it. I want to make my own.
This reminds me of trying to make the perfect apple pie filling for the Idler's Pie Contest. BUT this time, no prize, and I am the judge!! UGH!! These are NOT good combinations, especially from a pregnant lady.

Well, I have know realized that when the recipe, directions, or video say to roll tightly....they don't mean it~REALLY!!! I guess they just mean don't forget to roll??? Go figure? If you roll them too tightly they start popping out in the middle. Skill learned.

If you want a nice thick filling you have to use a LOT of sugar and a LOT of butter. BUT, wait, if you use too much butter the filling doesn't stay in the way you imagine. Sprinkling some flour in your filling does the trick on this one. Skill learned.

Brown Sugar makes them goopy, so maybe half and half will be better!!!! AAAAAA!!!!

I will let you know if round three turns out looking better than round two!!

Oh, the icing I have made turned out perfectly the first time. Oh, the dough, too! So, I guess it's perfecting the filling, and the technique.

I will let you know when that skill is LEARNED!!!


erc said...

I don't know....GOOPY sounds GOOD to me!!

Leona said...

YES goopy sounds REALLY good to me too! I like lots of the icing AND filling, YUMMMMMY!!!!

Lady Dorothy said...

Oh, Josh must love it! You're going on Round 3? That means he's been able to eat two whole rounds?